Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Digicel Mommys Glory Poetry Competition

Are you a mother? Have you enjoyed the role fully? Has it inspired you to write lovely things about your beautiful children and their first smiles? Do you consider it to be a glorious role? Well you can share your thoughts with us in our 'Mommys Glory' poetry competition.

What do you have to do:
1) Write a poem of no more than 500 words depicting the glories of motherhood
2) Upload/post the poem right here at this blog by 4;00 pm this afternoon
3) Digicel will go through and select the three best poems and award them first, second and third place accordingly
4) Winners will be announced by 12:00 pm on Thursday, May 5, 2011
5) Please submit only original works

First Place - Mothers Day Brunch for Four at the Jamaica Pegasus Hotel
Second Place - $12,000 Mothers Day Gift Basket
Third Place - Nokia C3 plus $1500 call credit

* This competition is open to mothers only.


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  3. Being your Mother
    means that I have had the opportunity
    to experience loving someone
    more than I love myself.
    I have learned what it's like
    to experience joy and pain
    through someone else's life.

    It has brought me pride and joy;
    your accomplishments touch me
    and thrill me like no one else's can.

    It has brought me
    a few tears and heartaches at times,
    but it has taught me hope and patience.
    It has shown me the depth,
    strength, and power of love.

    Being your mother
    hasn't always been easy,
    and I'm sure
    I've said or done things that have hurt or confused you.
    But no one has ever made me as satisfied
    as you do just by being happy.
    No one has made me as proud as you do just by living up to your responsibilities.

  4. At first i didn't know what to expect. I was happy, I was sad, I wad afraid but Axious.

    On that morning when you arrived that big bright smile could not leave my face, the pain was gone and forgotten.
    All my fear had disappear when you open your eyes and looked at me. The day we bonded was a milestone i'll never forget.

    Sleepless nigts were the downside to beeing a mom, but having you close to me was a gift from God. The constant fear and uneasiness in my stomach worrying if you were fine and that no harm to come your way was a feeling i could not get rid of even if i died.

    On your very first visit to the doctor , I felt your pain with every tears you cried. I cried whenever you cried. I always wanted you to have the best of everything. The best place to sleep, the best food to eat, family support and unconditionally love.

    Many days i would sacrifice the luxury of my life to make sure you had everything. I would check, then double check then check again to make sure all was well with you. You were like an obsession.

    I wonder everyday what my life would be without you in it. I prayed night and day that you would be my baby always and never grow old. Being a mom is my glory.

  5. As I look back on my life
    I find myself wondering.....
    Did I remember to thank you
    for all that you have done for me?
    For all of the times you were by my side
    to help me celebrate my successes
    and accept my defeats?
    Or for teaching me the value of hard work,
    good judgement, courage, and honesty?
    I wonder if I've ever thanked you for the simple things...
    The laughter, smiles, and quiet times we've shared?
    If I have forgotten to express my gratitude
    For any of these things,
    I am thanking you now....
    and I am hoping that you've known all along,
    how very much you are loved and appreciated.

  6. Motherhood, a world full of fun, laughter and tears. You are never really alone in your thoughts.A Mother always has to think twice, once for herself and once for her child.
    Motherhood is a gift from God, a price no man may dare to lessen or misunderstood.
    Mothers are the moon that shines upon dark nights.
    Whatever fear or stress of pain might them to anger know.
    Mothers are the sun that lights up our inner sky.
    Ah! Mother! your legacy must be both love and fear. This love lies to deep to be defiled. Even when we weep we know that someone's always there. Mothers are very dear, we should love them each and every day.
    A mother is there when things go wrong with hugs and kisses to help us along. Always there when we need her near,gifts and presents are not enough, be gentle, be good, be helpful be kind.
    I can see it in her eyes
    I can see it in her smiles
    I can see it in her life
    To care and understand, cooking and cleaning and just being simple.

    My mother died in December 2001 I loves her deeply now she's gone. She was my inspiration for making me thrive in every way especially to remember helping others.
    I never thanked her for teaching me the values of hardwork, good judgement, courage and honesty. I think of her resting from sorrows and tears. God has guided her to a place where she'll be safe.


  7. Well How Can I Start: I Am a very committed mother who tries to be very independent at all times and to let my 2 beautiful daughters become the next QUEEN, I gave my children all the things they needed as a child, from Day one i made their cloudy day turn brightI ALWAYS TRY TO KEEP A SMILE ON THEIR FACE EVEN THROUGH THE HARDEST TIMES.. My role And Dignity to my 2 Wonderful Daughters was to teach them how to love and Drive to reach Each QUEST UP to this Minute your reading it I know without a Doubt My daughters are the best :) I Also enjoy the role because As R.Kelly Said And I Quote "When A Woman's Fed Up, There's Nothing You Can Do About It" But I enjoy every smile they give to me with that drop of mouth water running when am fed up!! And It Pays to be a mother of 2 Beautiful Children... I can guarantee this to any mother out there that to get a child will be or is the first step/stage of A WONDERFUL LIFE.

  8. How can i express my love for you?
    gentle soul,
    quiet storm of kisses and hugs.
    There is no quote deep enough,
    for words are only words.
    The joy you bring,
    the bursting feelings of happiness.
    The first time i held you in my arms,
    i knew that all my dreams had come true
    for you mi bella flor motived me to do all the great things there is and more
    for no longer triumph belongs to me but through me just for you...
    you have come to save me with your spirit
    i willl forever cherish you.

  9. When I gave birth to you it was the happiest day of my life,
    My heart smiled when I saw you for the
    first time,
    hearing your voice as you cried, brought
    tears to my eyes,
    for I knew loving and caring for you was going to be one of the hardest and easiest
    jobs I have ever done.

    Being your mother means the world
    To me,
    You make me laugh, you make me cry, you get me annoyed
    And you even make me angry,
    But what scares me the most is when you’re hungry.

    You have brought a sense of purpose of living and responsibility in my life,
    As you light up my world with your bright brown eyes,
    And even then there are not enough words in the dictionary or this world
    To explain how elated I am to be a mother, especially a mother to you,

  10. In the midst of a boring work day, my mind wondered away,
    To an overcast but beautiful and splendid day,
    This was the day when I first saw my son.
    Everything within me whispered, ‘your sunshine has come.’

    He cried then smiled, it was a joy to see,
    I was so grateful, God made him just for me.
    Tears filled my eyes as I held my child,
    Oh his little hands, so hairy and mild.

    I asked the Lord not to take him back,
    As he lay helpless in my lap.
    And then he smiled again, how my heart erupted;
    This little soul was more than enough.

    Later on as he crept around the room,
    Oh! My love for this little boy began to bloom.
    Seems as if it was just like yesterday I welcomed him.

    Then came the thought of my boy’s first step,
    Just one step, then he fell!
    I felt everything within me melt.
    He cried and I thought my heart died
    I promised not to let him fall again,

    With loving arms, I scooped him up,
    I danced and cheered in a special way
    Though I know his steps will numbered a million someday,
    The first was the best, at least for me.

    Bittersweet was my first day back at work,
    I worried and wondered if I could manage,
    But in my mind I kept his image.
    I thought he would have one or the other:
    Either excitement or tears for his mother.

    Home at last on my first day,
    I was greeted with smiles that invited my tears to play
    I love him and he loves me
    I wish every love was as happy and free.

  11. Good things come to those who wait they say.....
    I never waited but greatness came my way

    I'll never forget the days they arrived
    I'll never forget that smack, that made me know they were alive.

    Tears were in my eyes, but i was so darn happy
    I"d never trade those days of changing their nappies

    I live my life completely for them
    From now untill forever my love will never end.

    They put a smile on my face each and every day
    I'd give my life to make sure that they are always ok,

    To see them play is so much fun
    Not to mention watching them sleep when the day is done.

    I love my kids and i can proudly say
    they are my world and I'd trade my life for them anyday.


  12. All four of you have shaded my life in different hues of joy.
    David, my gentle giant, when I was expecting your brother, I looked at you and wondered if my heart could hold you both, because I loved you so fiercely. A handful you were, but I learned that our love grew with each test; with each sleepless night of watching over you when you were ill; with each tear that you and I shed when things went wrong for you. You involved me in all your years of rough and tumble with your cadet crew. With each victory that you have had, you gave me that precious opportunity to smile and say to the world... "That's my boy!" Now that you are 20, standing at 6'3" our positions in life have changed - as I look up to you and you look down at me; poised to go off on your own, I know you'll be ok.
    But then you came Brian, and all fears about my capacity to love were forgotten when your little fingers latched onto mine. You became the Little Lamb to my Mary, who followed me everywhere. My little protector, making sure I had enough to eat, when you suspected that I had shared dinner for everyone but myself. You were always my confidante,and I am so privileged to be yours.
    Alex, my Fuzzyrella, when you joined us you took awe and wonder to new heights. How you have made me laugh at myself over the years. You told me "I love you too Mommy!" many times to get yourself out of trouble. Alas, I always fall for it. I tell all your jokes at work...How do you come up with these things? A wittier person that yourself was never born. Never change sweetheart, you'll need all this humour in your life later on.
    Stephanie, my Peanut, so beautiful, so frail. When you came, you were a Godsend. Breastfeeding you made the sun rise. Holding you in my arms filled me with a measure of peace and contentment I not experienced before. Your father and I kept taking you out of the crib just to look at you in wonder. Having a girl at this stage was like having a new toy! Everything you did and said fascinated me, indeed all of us! When you reach over as if to tell me a secret, but instead tickle me with a big juicy kiss in my ear, I have to say to you "My Peanut, thank you for picking me."
    Writing this for you guys, makes tears come to my eyes. I know you all will be leaving my nest one by one, the way you came into my life. As you make your way into this wondrous world I can only hope that you will all have children that are a lot like you, who will show you the beautiful side of life that you never knew existed.

  13. Mommy's Glory

    "Kk "I was there when you came out, When the caramel skinned, curly-haired, sleepy two eight pound gifts from God were bestowed on me
    There, when you cried "finally mommy I see your face"

    You boys have been my heart,
    the love I have for you cannot be broken,
    even when you fight, say mean things, get in trouble, destroy the house and especially when you do things to make me want to tear my hair out.

    Despite everything you are mine and nothing can change that, my dna, ways and blood are apart of you though I shudder to admit it at times.

    Both your eyes twinkle like stars when trouble is on the horizon,
    silence is golden and it abounds when a plan is working in your minds and at this time I need to be on the lookout.

    Though I hate to be strict on you boys I know it will be for your benefit so you will become great men of the future and then surely I will see your glory.

    xoxo KK

  14. Glories of my Motherhood

    The bravest battle that ever was fought! Shall I tell you where and when? On the maps of the world you will find it not since it was fought by a mother with her child.

    NO! not with the cannon of battleshot nor with a sword or noble pen;
    No! not with eloquent words or thought from mouth of powerful menn!

    But deep in a walled-up mother's heart of a woman that would not yield,
    But bravely, silently bore her part
    Behold, there is the battlefield!

    No marshalling troops, no bivouac song, No banner to gleam and wave;
    But oh! those battles, they last so long: from babyhood to childhood to adulthood.

    Yet, faithful still as a a bridge of stars,
    I fight in my walled-up town
    Fight on and on in my endless wars,
    Then silent, unseen, goes down.

    Oh, yoiu with banners and battleshot and soldiers to shout and paise!
    I tell you the kingliest victories fought were fought in those silent ways.

    Oh spotless mother in a world of shame,with splendid and silent scorn,
    went back to God as black as I came
    The Kingliest warrior born!

    Sandra Brooks.

    God Bless.

  15. am a mother not a shadow
    a mother,a phenomenal mother
    yea, thats me.

    i reminist the day you came in this world,
    you bring joy to my soul.
    you're so precious to me.

    the first time you walk,
    the first time you talk,
    your first words was mama
    i know you were some what special.

    when your are sick i stay with you, when you are sad i cry too,
    we play together, we sing together and we laught together.

    the bond we share like no other,
    you know i care and always will be a mother who sit and talk with you, a mother who helps with home work.

    remember your first day at school,
    at age two. you were so brillant,
    you are always on top.
    just looking at you makes me a happy lad.

    i know we have issues at times,
    for we are not perfect,
    i let you off sometimes to test your attitude and you surprise me.
    i just have to laugh untill i cry.

    i will climb mountain for you my child, my precious boy,
    just to see you excel in all your acheivements to come.
    you have make me proud and i will continue to love you as long as life is in me.

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  18. It was like falling deep in love, I heard the angel sang above, I felt the blessing straight from God the day that Shae-anna Abigail McIntosh came into this world. The joy of being a mother is beyond explained; your beautiful smile captivated me and others the first time you were born;the nurse said you are going to be a bright girl and yes you are. Because even in your sleep you keep me happy when you smile you wipe away my tears already with you smile. God knows it was your time to be here because you have filled that gap I always ask him to heal. My future is not just dreaming about myself but you make it more of an importance,you give me reason to move,to sing and each day. I never know what falling in love is really like until I was blessed with you.
    You are apart of me, you complete me forever,together we will be.
    My Ray of sunshine....I LOVE YOU UNCONDITIONALLY!!

  19. Didn't know what to expect as a new mum, all I knew was I was expecting.
    I grew and grew,
    Felt happy, anxious, sometimes blue.
    But no matter what, I promised myself.
    That I'd love you with all that I knew how to.

    That day arrived, the pain began but you decided to wait another night, it seemed more fun.
    And then you were here, all the fear became a cheer.
    My son, all healthy, Thank you Lord, my Angel is here.

    Now as a young man I'm proud to say,
    My Angel thank you Lord is doing good in his own way.

  20. i carried you for nine months long
    never gave up,still going on strong
    my word surrounds you through thick and thin,friends say carrying you was a burden,but if i abandoned you it would be a sin
    i struggled along the way,but lord you helped me breakthrough
    thank you God for what you've done,my trust is always in you

    the first day you came into my life
    all my senses came alive
    you pulled me through when i was weak
    when i brought forth this child God your still the one i seek
    a happy mother indeed i am to have an angel like you
    bringing you into this world makes all my dreams came through,
    a child you gave me opened up the door into my life
    having her come into this world was worth every sacrifice,
    at first i was lonely,scared and lost
    but i'm glad i didnt give you up back in the past

    you lifted up my soul i had to turn a new leaf
    nothing in life will get me down as long as our in peace,
    a elegant beauty,your radiant smile
    brings all loved ones together from over a mile
    from a sweet ,humble child into a beautiful young lady
    i give thanks to God that your still my baby.

  21. My One Pop- ( fah now)
    By Shena Samuels

    It was April 2007 when I learnt the glorious news, Me? A mother? I can’t believe my ears
    Oh how long I waited to hear those precious words
    From the womb I nourished you, counting down the minutes, the hours, the days, the months
    Dying to feel you move.

    A girl, A girl, my previous one inside, I saw you on the monitor and plenty tears just filled my eyes,
    I saw your ears, your legs and you tiny little feet
    It was as if I could hear your coos, your cries and your perky little chuckles.
    I dreamt of how I’d dressed you and make you my mini me, shop with you, play with you, and have fun being your mom!

    The day had finally arrived and I could hardly wait to meet you
    You were silent in the beginning and then you gave one big shout
    They took you to the basin and gave you your first bathe
    I hurried the doctors in my mind, “tell me what could be taking so long?”

    I can’t believe what has happen to me, I’m not just any woman, or a wife, I am somebody’s MOM!
    I held you in my arms and gazed into your eyes,
    My heart was filled with joy, I bubbled up inside
    The doctors beckoned my to look and examine your entire body
    I pulled the blanket to the side and to my surprise you were a Boy.

    A boy, A boy, I can’t believe my eyes
    I pondered to myself, how could this happen, is this for really for real?
    I looked again into your eyes
    And all of a sudden it really didn’t matter
    You were my son, my joy, my little boy!

    It fills my heart each just waking up and taking care of my little boy
    Boiling your porridge, washing your clothes and shopping for boy things,
    Although this may be stressful at times

    Three years have past and you keep blossoming each day
    Reciting the ABC’s, singing the nursery rhythms
    Asking all the questions, correcting me if I don’t say, Your Welcome!
    You are indeed the best thing that has every happened to me besides God
    You give me a reason to live, to strive, to want more
    You are my One pop (fah now) and it gives me great pleasure being your Mom!

  22. A Mother’s Experience

    For 9 long months, I tried to imagine what child lie embedded in my womb.
    And with those months of pondering I came to learn to accept the Gift God had in store, My sweet Nathanael.
    On the best day of my life March 12, 2010 you came, you captured and you made your prescence known. From that day I was truly happy you were my son.

    Life down this road proved to be not all that easy
    But just the innocent look in your eyes made me persistent and kept me hanging on, and kept me believing.
    Like a new piece of clay molded by the clenches of the potter’s hand
    Your every move, gestures and milestones carved, and is still carving me into the right “mother vessel” fit for a liftime of other new experiences.

    The slopes, turns and bumps that sickness presented were a blow I had to endure and conquer, and will never regret, because they have made me stronger to prepare for what may lie on the path ahead. It’s never a easy pill for any mother to swallow, but Trusting in God gave the Hope for a better tomorrow.

    Your gummy smiles have recently been replaced by baring teeth, and just a daily dose of that keeps me up and running, there is no time for this mom to retreat.
    As the months go by I look forward to the new treasures you allow me to discover, and your baby log book will forever hold all those testimonies for others to remember.

    The responcibilities bestowed upon me I would have sometimes rejected but how could I when it was me your Mommy you had selected.
    I appreciated, appreciate and will appreciate being there for you through thick or thin, and vow to continue my motherly role for you my sweet lil pumpkin.

  23. Mommy’s Glory - Bitter Sweet

    Only a mother can truly testify
    About the bitter sweet felling of the nine months that went by
    The creation of a life taking place inside
    A solid place of comfort was where my child abide.

    9:17 am on that cold December morn
    The love of my life into this world was born
    I could never imagine the feel of unconditional love
    Until the day his eyes shun on me like the stars above

    Being a mother sometimes is hard to explain
    The pain of my child’s cry is like being lost in the rain
    Not knowing what is wrong, and can’t make it better
    Is a feeling that no mother can truly answer

    There are however those days filled with smiles
    The messes on the floor and those mysterious holes in the pies
    Oh those first steps, the first word yes ‘dada’
    And the fact that it took 20 months for him to say ‘mama’ 

    Damerae Edwards is the name of my son
    11 hours of labour pain and three years of fun
    Doing the darnnest things and looking innocently at you
    Even with that, I am still going for number 2

    By: Faradaine Forbes-Edwards (A proud mother of the most amazing 3 yr old)

  24. Before I was a Mom I never tripped over toys or forgot words to a lullaby.
    I didn't worry whether or not my plants were poisonous.
    I never thought about immunizations.
    Before I was a Mom - I had never been puked on.
    Pooped on.
    Chewed on.
    Peed on.
    I had complete control of my mind and my thoughts.
    I slept all night.
    Before I was a Mom I never held down a screaming child so doctors could do tests.
    Or give shots.
    I never looked into teary eyes and cried.
    I never got gloriously happy over a simple grin.
    I never sat up late hours at night watching a baby sleep.
    Before I was a Mom I never held a sleeping baby just because I didn't want to put them down.
    I never felt my heart break into a million pieces when I couldn't stop the hurt.
    I never knew that something so small could affect my life so much.
    I never knew that I could love someone so much.
    I never knew I would love being a Mom.
    Before I was a Mom - I didn't know the feeling of having my heart outside my body.
    I didn't know how special it could feel to feed a hungry baby.
    I didn't know that bond between a mother and her child.
    I didn't know that something so small could make me feel so important and happy.

    Before I was a Mom - I had never gotten up in the middle of the night every 10 minutes to make sure all was okay.
    I had never known the warmth, the joy, the love, the heartache, the wonderment or the satisfaction of being a Mom.
    I didn't know I was capable of feeling so much, before I was a Mom.

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    No-one told me
    That your bruised knee
    Would scrape my heart;
    That I’d miss your cheeky grin
    On the days we spend apart.
    I didn’t know
    That when you won
    I’d celebrate within
    And when you lost
    My lessons would begin:

    I’ve learnt to love
    Your muddy toes,
    Your sticky hugs
    Your “nose-to-nose”.
    I've watched you sleep
    With fevered head
    I’ve scolded so
    You’d make your bed.

    I’ve weighed the hard days
    And the tears
    And all the laughter
    In your years;
    I’ve learnt
    What true love
    Really is
    And what’s in a hug
    And special kiss.

    I wouldn’t change
    A single thing
    I love you unconditionally
    Like the joy you bring.

  27. My Inspiration…My Boys

    I felt the changes within my body
    Then the competent doctor exclaimed
    “You are indeed pregnant mother and I think its twin.”
    Please Lord help me to make it.

    Joy and fear flooded my mind
    Did he say “twins” I asked myself
    The thought of this was great but how will I cope
    Lord will I make it?

    The joy of these lives growing in me was thrilling
    At times it became so overwhelming
    Extra vitamins and regular doctor’s visit were priority
    Please Lord give me strength to make it.

    Half way through the journey another proclamation
    They are boys and maybe identical
    I froze..How am I to take care of two boys?
    Please Lord this case is yours.

    The day they were born I will never forget
    Those bundles of joy, oh so perfect
    Cuddling so warm in their blankets
    Yes, You did it for me Lord.

    I watch with glee as they grow and made their first steps
    First smile, first teeth, first fall.. those came in reps
    “Mommy” was the first word they say I can recall
    The double-fold hugs are great I will cherish all
    Lord with you I can make it.

    Their first day at school had me speechless
    I wept openly I must confess
    Their eager faces and anxious smiles
    Still flood my heart like river Nile
    Thank you Lord am making it.

    Now with their fourth birthday so near
    I thank you Lord that you covered us with your care
    Am forever grateful for the love
    You send to me on the wings of a dove
    My boys…My inspiration.

    By Francine Brown-Thompson

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